a non-profitable project as a tribute to Wanna One’s
hard work, conducted as a café and exhibition in Indonesia, supported by some renowned Wanna One fansites.

About Illimité

Illimité's project is designed by Indonesian Wannables as a tribute to Wanna One's hard work in the past one and a half year.

The project will be conducted as a café and exhibition in Indonesia, supported by some renowned Wanna One fansites, of course, with their consents.

Another one of Illimité's objective is to help the people in needs, as all profits made will be donated under Wanna One's name - making it as a
non-profitable event.

List of fansites participating in our project:

Q: What is the purpose of this event?
A: The purpose of this event is to share our happiness with those who need it the most. We are blessed to know Wanna One and to let them make us happy, so sharing our little happiness to our brothers and sisters in need won't hurt. All of the profits made by illimite will be donated under Wanna One's name, which detail can be seen here.

illimite will be conducted with the concept of cafe and photo exhibition.

The theme of the photo exhibition is 'Walking Along Wanna One's Memory Lane', since the photos displayed are going to be sequential, from their debut, up until now. Thus, visitors will be able to reminisce about the memories Wanna One and Wannables had before.

Q: What is the detail of the event?
A: There will be a lot of activities happening on the event, which details can be seen here

Q: Will Wanna One go to this event?
A: No. As mentioned before, we are running a cafe and photo exhibition in Indonesia for Wannables. Wanna One will not be going to this event.

Q: Will this event be held in other cities?
A: No. Illimite will only be held in Jakarta.

Q: How to order the tickets?
A: The ticketing details and rules will be uploaded soon here. Please anticipate it.

Q: Can I buy the ticket on the venue?
A: No. We will only open pre-orders for ticket purchase, so there will not be any ticket selling on the D-day.

Q: Will illimite sell some goods?
A: Yes. As mentioned here, there will be goods selling too. The details of the goods will be uploaded along with ticket details. Please anticipate it.

Q: Can I distribute some freebies on the D-day?
A: Sure. But should there be any chaos ensued because of the freebies distribution, committees have the authority to stop the distribution. The freebies distribution can only be done in the cafe area.

Q: Apakah tujuan dari acara ini?
A: Acara ini diadakan supaya kita dapat berbagi kebahagiaan kita kepada sesama yang membutuhkan. Kita sangat beruntung dapat mengenal Wanna One, dan bisa berbahagia karena mereka. Maka, sudah seharusnya kita juga membagikan sedikit kebahagiaan kita kepada saudara kita yang membutuhkan. Semua keuntungan dari illimite akan didonasikan dengan nama Wanna One, yang detil nya bisa dilihat disini.

Konsep yang dibawa oleh illimite adalah cafe dan photo exhibition.

Tema yang dipakai dalam photo exhibitionnya adalah 'Walking Along Wanna One's Memory Lane', karena foto-foto yang dipajang akan sesuai dengan waktu, mulai dari mereka debut hingga sekarang. Para pengunjung juga bisa mengingat-ingat kembali kenangan yang telah dibuat bersama oleh Wanna One dan Wannable.

Q: Apa saja detil acara ini?
A: Akan ada banyak aktifitas pada hari-H. Detil dari acara tersebut dapat dilihat disini.

Q: Apakah Wanna One akan hadir di acara ini?
A: Tidak. Illimite hanyalah sebuah cafe dan photo exhibition yang diadakan oleh Wannable Indonesia. Wanna One tidak akan hadir disini.

Q: Apakah acara ini akan diadakan di kota-kota lain?
A: Tidak. Illimite hanya akan diadakan di Jakarta.

Q: Bagaimana cara membeli tiket?
A: Penjualan tiket dan semua ketentuannya akan diinformasikan disini segera. Mohon kesabarannya menunggu.

Q: Apakah saya bisa membeli tiket di tempat acara?
A: Tidak. Tiket hanya dapat dibeli melalui pre-orders. Tidak akan ada penjualan tiket di tempat acara.

Q: Akankah illimite menjual goods lain?
A: Ya. Sesuai yang telah diinformasikan disini, akan ada penjualan goods juga. Detil dari penjualan goods akan diinformasikan bersama dengan penjualan tiket. Mohon kesabarannya menunggu.

Q: Apakah saya bisa membagikan freebies saat hari-H?
A: Tentu. Akan tetapi, apabila ada kerusuhan karena pembagian freebies tersebut, panitia berhak untuk memberhentikan pembagian tersebut. Pembagian freebies hanya bisa dilakukan di area kafe.

Illimité's Donation Project

All profits made from the project will be donated to UNESCO - "Better Life, Better Future", a campaign dedicated for girls' and women's education, under Wanna One's name.

Previously, CJ (Swing Entertainment's parent company) has been in a partnership with UNESCO, creating the "Bright Girls, Brighter Future" campaign, a part of the "Better Life, Better Future" campaign, which was endorsed by Wanna One themselves.

The details and rules of the ticketing will be announced soon.
Please anticipate it.

Goods Selling

There will be goods selling that can be ordered through pre-orders and on-the-spot selling. The details of the goods will be uploaded along with ticket selling.

Photo Corner

During the event, there will be a photo corner, which consists of some polaroid pictures and post-its. Visitors will be able to write their wishes for Wanna One on a post-it and paste on that certain corner and take a picture there.


Visitors will get a chance to enter our auction, where some frames will be sold. The starting price will be IDR150,000 with minimum additional bidding price at a multiplier of IDR10,000.

Time: 3 PM - 4 PM on both days
Quantity: 11 frames per day, 1 for each member

Note: As the auction will take place on both days, the pictures displayed on the second day will differ from the first.